▪ 以大自然數千年經驗的療癒力為配方基石。
Based on a thousand-year practice of the healing power of nature.
▪ 其實我們並不特別,我們古典老派。
Actually, we are not special, just old-fashioned.
▪ 每個產品都是在我們自己的廠房從零開始,以手工製作的。
Every product is handmade from scratch in our own laboratory.
▪ 每個成分都是有機的、純凈的、可以吃的。
Every ingredient is organic, pure and edible.
▪ 我們全產品的基底是有機蘆薈,不用一滴水。水其實對肌膚沒有任何作用,而蘆薈具有年輕、健康 皮膚的最佳特性。
The base of our products is organic Aloë Vera instead of water. Water does nothing for your skin. Aloë Vera has the best properties for a young, healthy skin.
▪ Abloom 產品與皮膚合作,而不相互對抗。我們不取代或破壞皮膚的正常功能。
Abloom products work with your skin, not against your skin. We do not want to replace or disrupt the skin function.
▪ Abloom 產品具有 100% 的活性,所有成分的療癒力保留不喪失。
Abloom products have a 100% functionality – none of the healing power of the ingredients is lost.
▪ 所有膚質膚況都適用,因為每個人皮膚都很聰明,都能從產品中獲取自己的所需。
Abloom suits every skin as the skin takes whatever it needs from the product.